How To Recognize The Signs Of Depression In Dogs

Dogs are known for their loyalty, energy, and enthusiasm. However, like humans, they can experience depression, a mood disorder that can affect their quality of life. If you notice changes in your dog’s behavior, energy level, and appetite, it’s essential to check for signs of depression. Here are some tips on how to recognize depression in dogs.

1. Changes in Appetite

One of the most common signs of depression in dogs is a change in appetite. If your dog usually eats well but suddenly loses interest in food, it could be a sign of depression. On the other hand, some dogs may eat more than usual, which could also indicate depression.

2. Reduced Energy

Dogs are typically active and playful. However, when they’re depressed, they may seem less energetic and less interested in playing. Your dog may also become less willing to go on walks or participate in activities they previously enjoyed.

3. Lack of Interest in Socialization

If your dog is typically social and friendly but suddenly becomes withdrawn and uninterested in interacting with others, it could be a sign of depression. Dogs may also stop responding to commands or become uninterested in training.

4. Sleeping More Than Usual

Dogs that are depressed may sleep more than usual. If your dog is sleeping for extended periods, and it’s not related to age, it’s worth checking for other signs of depression.

5. Destructive Behavior

Dogs that are depressed may exhibit destructive behavior, such as chewing on furniture or shoes. This behavior is often a sign of anxiety or frustration, which can be a result of depression.

6. Loss of Interest in Grooming

Dogs usually take pride in grooming themselves. However, if your dog seems disinterested in grooming or doesn’t maintain proper hygiene, it could be a sign of depression.

7. Aggressive Behavior

Depression can manifest in many ways, and aggression is one of them. If your dog suddenly becomes aggressive towards you, other animals, or people, it could be due to depression.


Depression in dogs can significantly impact their quality of life, and recognizing the signs early on is crucial for effective treatment. If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s vital to consult your veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, offering your dog plenty of love, attention, and affection can go a long way in preventing depression and promoting good mental health.

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