8 Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Summer

Summer is a wonderful time to spend quality time with your furry friend by taking them out for a walk. However, with the sun shining bright and temperatures rising, it’s important to keep your dog safe and healthy during your walks. Here are eight tips to help you and your dog enjoy a fun and safe summer walk.

8 Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Summer

1. Plan Your Walks Early or Late in the Day

Walking your dog in the early morning or late evening is ideal during the summer months. The temperatures are cooler, the sun is less intense, and the pavement won’t be too hot for your pup’s paws. Additionally, walking during these times of day helps avoid overheating and dehydration.

2. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is essential for both you and your dog during walks, especially in the summer heat. Carry enough water for both you and your pet, and take breaks to let them drink water. If your dog is reluctant to drink, try to give them ice cubes, which can be a fun and refreshing treat.

8 Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Summer

3. Avoid Hot Pavements

The pavement can get incredibly hot during the summer, causing burns and discomfort to your dog’s paws. Before taking your dog for a walk, test the pavement’s temperature by placing your hand on it for a few seconds. If it’s too hot for you, it’s too hot for your dog. Consider walking on grass or in shaded areas, or investing in booties to protect your pup’s paws.

4. Apply Sunscreen

Just like humans, dogs can get sunburned, especially in areas with less fur or lighter skin. Apply pet-safe sunscreen on your dog’s nose, ears, belly, and any other exposed areas before heading out for a walk. This helps prevent painful sunburns and skin damage.

8 Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Summer

5. Avoid Over-Exertion

Summer heat and humidity can cause your dog to tire out quickly, so take frequent breaks during walks. If you notice that your dog is panting heavily or lagging behind, stop and let them rest in a shaded area. Remember, it’s essential to keep your pup cool and hydrated to avoid heat exhaustion.

6. Watch for Signs of Overheating

Dogs are more prone to heatstroke during the summer months. Look out for signs of overheating, such as excessive panting, drooling, and lethargy. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your dog to a shaded area or an air-conditioned space and offer them water. If the symptoms persist, contact your veterinarian immediately.

8 Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Summer

7. Keep Your Dog Leashed

During summer walks, it’s important to keep your dog leashed, even if they’re well-trained. High temperatures can make your dog more unpredictable, and they may be tempted to run after animals or into busy roads. A leash helps you maintain control and keep your dog safe.

8. Be Prepared for Emergencies

In case of emergencies during your walks, keep a first-aid kit and your veterinarian’s contact information handy. It’s also a good idea to carry a pet carrier or stroller in case your dog gets too tired or overheated during the walk.

8 Tips For Walking Your Dog In The Summer

With these tips, you and your pup can enjoy the great outdoors safely and happily during the summer. Remember, it’s important to keep your dog cool, hydrated, and protected from the sun and hot pavement. Stay safe, and have fun walking your furry friend!

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